Friday, April 20, 2012

April is Facial Protection Month!

At OSL, my team and I regularly encourage all of our patients to wear facial protection during any contact sports.
April is National Facial Protection Month, and orthodontists along with oral surgeons and pediatric dentists are again reminding our athlete patients to take care to prevent injuries.

The AAO message (below) has been modified, to even include those on the sidelines (see #4):
  1. Wear mouth guards for contact sports to help prevent injuries to the teeth and mouth.
  2. Wear a helmet. Helmets absorb the energy of an impact.
  3. Wear protective eyewear. Eyes are extremely vulnerable.
  4. Be alert even as a spectator. Alert spectators can avoid foul baseballs and flying hockey pucks. Watch your step when climbing bleachers.

Education is best when it's fun and engaging. And when it's fun it's gets done- see below

Steve & Ryan at Super Science Day at Town Pointe Elementary

See you next month!